Virtual and Day Program

The day program has what? In person activities, many different ones. Drawing, crafts, games, cooking, baking, group activities. Internet connection to a TV is available.

Virtual day program is offered. You can watch arts and craft instruction, exercises, news. We provide this opportunity for individuals to participate from home. 

We have a schedule if you need one on one support. If you need support to grow your life skills and gain experience, we can help you with that. If you have goals we can provide support and discuss a plan of action to achieve them and increase your quality of life. 

For more information you can email us with your questions, and we will get back to you.

Funding is provided by ministry of community and social services. Funding can be used for workshops, trips, and activities. 

The program is from Monday to Friday.. (provide more translation after this line)

If you’re ready to sign up, email us and we’ll send you a schedule of what activities and drop in opportunities are available.