Outreach and PSW Outreach

The Outreach Program is available to those who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Deaf-Blind, aged 59 years of age or older, living in the GTA, and require assistance.

The Outreach Worker can support you with medical appointments, friendly visiting, shopping, etc., and can connect you with services in your community (e.g. Meals on Wheels), as well as with programs and services at the Bob Rumball Centre, such as the Toronto Deaf Seniors’ Centre (TDSC), Congregate Dining Events, Communication Services, Transportation Services, Social Events & Special Outings and Trips. 

For more information please contact Ewa Grabowska at egrabowska@bobrumball.org

PSW Outreach is for adults aged 59 and up who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Deaf-Blind, and live in the GTA.  We offer assistance with services such as laundry, personal care, light housekeeping, linen changes, and meal prep.  

For more information about the PSW Outreach Program, please contact Ewa Grabowska at egrabowska@bobrumball.org.